Reading his book, "A New Christianity for a New World", and it's absolutely fascinating. I've never read anything like it.
I became interested in learning about his man when I read his open letter, his "Manifesto", regarding the issue of homosexuality, which you can read here:
Spong's book (mentioned above) is a whole new way of looking at Christianity and Christ. He explains that, as we evolve and become more self-aware and more scientifically sophisticated, looking at religion from a supernatural perspective is becoming less and less believable. He believes that "theistic" religions of old are slowly dying for lack of believability.
He gives some very interesting arguments as to why Christ was, originally, never intended to be worshiped as some supernatural Son of Diety, but rather as a man who reflected God's light and wisdom. He believes it is in the direction of this more "natural" perspective that we should start moving...away from the current supernatural/theistic perspective that has been (he believes) developed over the centuries by theologians. Spong believes (citing some good evidence) that the Christ story has been changed and added to over the years, to become what it is today.
This book and Spong's whole outlook on Christianity, has come to me as a sort of a gift, as I have always had my own difficulties with Christianity (starting way back when, as a teenager). I have prayed a lot about "belief", always asking that it be strengthened, but never seeming to get much of an answer. I am feeling I may finally be getting some real answers, and I am most grateful for that.
I want to say in closing this post, it's okay to question anything and everything, even things we believe to be sacred. It is not ever wrong to ask questions and explore new ideas.
Seek and you will find.
Highly recommend Bishop Spong's book. Even if you end up not agreeing with him, he will not disappoint in giving you some things to think about!
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